Meet Coach Cori, Founder of Love Academy for Women


“You need to write a book about dating!”


“My friends needs your help with dating questions.”


Welcome, I'm Cori McGraw. You might say that I started the Love Academy for Women so that my friends would stop bugging me to write a book about dating tips (side note: it's in the works now) or so that my friends would stop nagging me to help yet another friend-of-a-friend with her dating woes. Those statements would all be true.


But in reality, the seed was planted earlier. Years ago, I had a bad experience or two with dating/relationships that left me confused at best, and scared to date again at worst. At the time, I wished there was a set of “training wheels” that I could use to date happily and successfully. I couldn’t find such a thing, so I set out to research and read everything I could get my hands on about dating and understanding men.


I started experimenting with what I learned. Through application of my research along with a dash of trial and error, I developed a framework that gave me remarkable results. Lo and behold, I found not only did I feel more comfortable, safe, and happy in my dating, but all of the sudden I was being treated ten times better than I had in the past, even though I was the same person, just by dating with a structure (my “training wheels”). The dating structure I’d developed got me exactly where I wanted to go… feeling treasured, cherished, and adored by a special man in my life. (We recently celebrated our 11th anniversary of tying the knot, but my advice can help you whether you want to get married or whether you want to just be loved and adored in your next relationship.)


The information I’d put into use in my own life changed my life.  I wanted to replicate the life-changing results for others. I logged onto online dating forums and replied to women’s dating questions by sharing what I had discovered in my own experience. Those women would report back how the advice worked. When woman after woman was getting results, I knew I was on to something that could help a lot of people. As I developed a following in those forums and my advice became increasingly sought-after, I thought to myself, “Oh someday when I have time, I should do something more to get this information out there more widely to help more women realize that dating doesn't have to be so hard or frustrating.” (I think the information should be distributed to every woman at birth, but until I find a way to make that happen, read my blog.)  


In the meantime, as friends asked for more and more of my dating advice, they were getting better and better results compared to floundering around on their own in dating. Friends started referring friends-of-friends my way. I started hosting some in-person gatherings for women where they could ask their dating questions in a community setting.  


New York Times best-selling author and dating expert Sherry Argov heard about the group and she interviewed me in her research for one of her New York Times best-seller books on dating.  A lot of people I helped started telling me that they wished I would write a book on dating tips for women. 


Eventually, the number of women seeking my help grew so large that I either was going to have to turn women away because I didn't have time to help all of them, or else shift gears and turn it into a full-time business.   And that’s how Love Academy for Women was born. (And for those who are curious, I hope you'll read my book when it's released.) I welcome the opportunity to share the information with you that has already helped me and hundreds of other women go from frustration to fulfillment in their process of finding love.


Cori McGraw graduated in the top 1% of her class at University of California Irvine with a double major in Psychology & Social Behavior and Criminology, Law, & Society. She went on to earn a J.D. from Stanford University where she was President of Women of Stanford Law. After practicing law for several years at one of the top 100 largest law firms, she shifted to entrepreneur life. An avid equestrian, she can regularly be found in boots and breeches and covered in stable dust.